Wabakimi Maps

for superior back-country canoeing

Map Sets 3

Home Page About Wabakimi Canoe Routes Map Sets 1 Map sets 2 Map Sets 3 Albany River Brightsand River Kopka River Resources


Interior and Custom Routes



Rockliff Lake, Albany River, Pikitigushi Can$35
An amazing trip from the heart to the outer regions of this great canoeing region. Paddle from Wabakimi up to the Albany River and back south to the Pikitigushi River, via the Attwood and Witchwood River systems. 3 weeks (If you want to begin the trip from a different point or paddle in to join this route, just get in touch and we will prepare a custom map for you)
Burntrock, Whitewater, Smoothrock to Boilingsand River Can$20
Beginning with a fly-in to Burntrock Lake, this route follows the Palisade River to Arril and Grayson Lakes into Whitewater Lake and then south to Boilingsand River and Tamarack Lake for a prearranged shuttle or train ride. Included is a shortcut from Smoothrock Lake via Caribou River to the Little Caribou take-out. A168km, 6 to 8 or 9 day trip.
Palisade River loop Can$15
A 7 day add-on to many of the existing routes or a stand-alone trip with a float plane fly-in and fly-out to and from Kenoji Lake. A great loop trip from Kenoji Lake to Rockliff and back via Burntrock Lake. Includes an additional loop north from Late Lake to Misehkow River and back to Rockliff Lake


Custom map-sets


Design your own route for a canoe trip in the wabakimi region.

Whether it be:

- a combination of routes;

- a change or addition to an existing map-set;

- the inclusion of routes, detours or alternatives not included elsewhere, such as: 

  • Pallisade River through Burntrock Lake
  • Stump/Gault Lake connection between Allanwater and Flindt Rivers etc.
  • Kenoji to Dawn Lake loop
  • Baldhead Lake to Dagger and Granite Lakes
  • Bukemiga Lake, Collins River to Tamarack Lake
  • Linklater Lake route from Pikitigushi River to Caribou Lake

- a route with a particular start or ending point or for a specific number of days

- or a route designed entirely by you.

And receive a detailed, laminated map-set personalized to your own needs.

Just send an e-mail to: enquiries@wabakimimaps.com detailing your proposed route and any other questions or particular needs you might have. We will confirm our ability to meet your request and then ask you to select the custom map option below that corresponds to your route and initiate the purchase.


A one week trip Can$20
A custom map set for a one week trip based on your own route choice, entry and exit preferences.
An 8 to 14 day trip Can$25
A custom map set for an eight to fourteen day trip based on your own route choice, entry and exit preferences.
A 15 day or longer trip Can$35
A custom map set for a fifteen day or longer trip based on your own route choice, entry and exit preferences.

©2011 Tuesday, January 21, 2025